Pigghiavu in Inghilterra,
cu pìcciuli in contanti,
na vacca, 'i razza pura
ma troppu stravacanti.
Mi dìssiru: "E' speciali"!
Ma nun crideva tantu.
Pi ghìricci d'appressu
ci voli veru un santu!
Erba 'un ni mancia e mancu
pàgghia po' addiggiriri.
Pruvavu, ma fu inùtili,
cu sparaceddi e giri.
Ci piàcinu i viscotta
e àutri cosi fini...
Spinnivu una furtuna
pi wafer e grissini!
A l'arba vaiu pi mùncilla:
latti 'un ni voli fari.
"Ma comu ti pirmetti
(mi dici), 'un mi tuccari"!
Pritenni u bagnu 'ncàmmara
e dòrmiri 'nto' lettu.
Siccomu è troppu timida
vulissi u reggipettu.
Nun sàcciu cchiù ch'è fari!
Criditi a stu Vaccaru:
cu chista vacca pazza
a mia mi cunsumaru!

In England I just bought
--and paid them cash up front--
a purebread cow that is
a bit extravagant.
They told me she was special
but I could not believe
a saint you had to be
to deal with her all day.
She does not eat just grass
and hay she can't digest.
I tried asparagus
and turnips but in vain.
She likes to eat fine things,
biscuits and creamy cakes.
I must have spent a fortune
in wafers and grissini.
At dawn I went to milk her
but she won't give me milk
"How dare you," she screams out
"To take such liberties?"
She must bathe in my room
and sleep upon my bed
and since she's rather shy
she wants to wear brassieres.
I don't know what to do.
But take Vaccaro's word,
whit this old crazy cow
they ruined my life and how.