Cu la cultura di la storia antica
li guvirnanti novi liggi fannu,
forsi pi alliggiriri la fatica
d'a genti chi travàgghia tuttu l'annu.
Ma quarchi ciriveddu di muddica
cunfunni chiddi chi assai beni stannu
cu a genti chi di nenti si nutrica.
Ed è pi chistu ca cummina dannu!
Pigghiànnu esempiu di un arceri 'ngrisi,
chi sparteva u buttinu cu i cumpagni,
o' stissu passu u guvernu si misi:
pi cummigghiari 'ntrallazzi e magagni
ni lèvanu i mutanni e li cammisi;
si fùttinu ogni cosa chi guadagni!
With ancient history's tradition
the people in command make some new laws.
Perhaps to bring relief to all the people
who labor day and night throughout the year.
But some who have a pea-sized brain
confuse the ones who are well off in life
with those who haven't got a thing to eat.
And that is where real trouble starts.
Trying to imitate a British archer
who shared his loot with his companions
the government is doing the same thing to us.
To cover up intrigues and evil doings,
they steal our shirts and underwear
and gobble up whatever people earn.