Ci dissi a me muggheri, siddu moru,
pi eredità ti lassu sta simenza.
La metti a banca comu fussi l'oru
e m'assicuri la supravvivenza.
M'arrispùnniu ca 'un havi chi nni fari
di sta simenza misa cungilata,
ca un picciriddu po' sempri accattari
cu chidda frisca e no riquadiata!
M'arresta allura l'urtima illusioni
pi 'un pèrdiri li geni 'i l'esistenza:
m'affidu a i mastri di la clonazioni,
l'urtimu spirimentu di la scienza.
E si cu' "diennià" si fà casinu
e spunta un clunu menzu babbuinu?!
I told my wife, if I should die I leave
this seed as my inheritanceto you.
It's gold! Deposit it inside a bank,
this way I'll be assured of my survival.
She answered me that for my frozen seed
she had no use at all, for it's a fact
that she can always get a child with seed
fresh from the source and not reheated!
So now I have one last illusion:
If I don't want to lose the genes of life
I have to cast my lot with the clone masters,
who are the last experiment of science.
What if they screw up with my DNA
and my poor clone turns out to be baboon?!